Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Research , Research , Research Before That Job Interview

By: Shaun Stevens
Complete Industry, employer and job research gives job career search applicants a competitive edge. The work you do before the interview will pay off in spades many times over and over.

Employers nationwide report soundly that applicants who research employers well increase their employability as much as 25- 40 %. Thus by doing a thorough job of research of the complete industry, employer and job you will have a big payoff. This is most important both for getting that job, increasing your salary requests and later promotion on the job. Remember that first impressions carry a tremendous amount of weight and that “First Impressions are Lasting Impressions”.

The advantages of researching your career field and potential employers affect the success of your job search in many ways.

First you will have a good competitive edge. Employers view candidates who do not have solid knowledge of the employer’s businesses or industry as weak and poor choices for hiring. If you are prepared to discuss products and industry facts, figures and industry trends it will demonstrate that you have made a sincere and solid effort to learn about their organization and the marketplace. Many if not most applicants do not invest energy of their so called “valuable time” in researching employers. If you do, you will
Surely have the competitive edge for getting that job over your competitors.

Secondly you will be in a situation to determine better career decisions. Having current knowledge about employers, industries and job targets, allows you to make informed career decisions and assess your interest in and qualifications for specific jobs.

Next you will have improved ability to market your career skills and get hired.
Researching employers improves your ability to discuss specifically how your qualifications match the employer’s purposes, goals and needs. Employers are most willing to invest substantial training resources, time and costs to applicants who demonstrate initiative and commitment through their research of the employer and industry.

It is interesting to note that by conducting a thorough job of employer and industry research this will work towards compensating for lack of experience. Industry knowledge helps you compensate for lack of actual or extensive job experience. This is most of concern if you are a “rookie” in the industry or in the job force and your competition are seasoned veterans. That is seasoned veterans who may not have have complete 10 per cent of the level and completeness of the through and complete job of research that you have completed.

Lastly you will have increased confidence. By being well informed you will feel more confident and communicate much more clearly, effectively and concisely. In effect you will project greater confidence, expertise and experience.

Complete and thorough industry, employer and job research pay off big time for employment job interviews. One last point if the interviewer takes offense at your research and questions this is a very good indication that this is not a good employer or at the least not a good boss to work for.

Article Source:

Shaun Stevens Job Interview Counsellor

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