Palang Merah Indonesia / Spanish Red Cross Meulaboh - Aceh Barat Sub-delegation is looking for;
1. Tecnical Support
2. Project Officer
in Community Based First Aid Project, supported by external donor AECI (Agencia Espanola de Cooperation Internacional) .
For detail information of job description and qualifications, below:
BackgroundTheSpanis h Red Cross Society (SRC) Indonesian Delegation was established after theTsunami in December 2005 in order to assist Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI)in its operation for the reconstruction of the Aceh Province.
Assuming the role of Participating National Society (PNS), SRC works under thecoordination of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC),supporting PMI to ensure quality services delivery. In all aspects ofimplementation, it provides capacity development services to PMI andimplementing partners.
Community Based First Aid / CBFA Project
The main objective is to improvethe health status of the population through awareness raising and education onhealth matters. It includes diagnosing, initial treatment at local level and(when needed) referral to qualified health institutions of 9 common diseases:diarrhoea, fever, acute respiratory infections, malaria, malnutrition, goitre, vitaminA deficiency, dengue fever and rabies.
The main activity is training andsupervision of PMI Volunteer working as CBFA Monitor, and Village Healthworkers / Cadres working as CBFA Volunteer, who are responsible for educationof their fellow villagers as well as for dealing with disease cases. Thisproject is supported by PMI, Spanish Red Cross and with external donor (SpanishOfficial Co-operation Agency, AECI).
is looking for experienced persons for the following positions according to the terms
of reference below:
1. Technical Support(TS-01- CBFA)
Prepare the KAP survey and provide training for thePMI volunteers on how to conduct KAP Survey;
-Calculating on samples needed per village.
- Transfer the knowledge on SPSS database operation(how to input data and create baseline & monitoring data).
-Making Baseline & Monitoring data report.
Ensure the activities about to implement by the
communities according to the real needs of the surrounding community and meet
with all requirements established by SRC and the AECI (donor). Make sure that all the activities have clear visibilityon the program.
Develop monitoring and evaluating system for theactivities in the community and make sure the program team (PMI monitoringfollow the pattern, in order to be able to measure the impact of the program inoverall sub-district.
Producing reports regarding the program activities
proposed in targeted villages in timely manner once in a month.
2.Project Officer (PO-01-CBFA)
ยง Work closely with the SRC Health Delegate/Head ofSRC Subdelegation.
ยง Keep informed the SRC Health Delegate/Head of SRCSubdelegation.
ยง To ensure the appropriate implementation of theproject and its activities, according to the requirements established by SRC HQand the AECI (donor).
ยง To elaborate the reports for the Spanish RedCross HQ in the way required.
ยง To elaborate weekly reports about the workdeveloped.
ยง Work closely with PMI Aceh Barat, especially withthe Responsible of Health Section and the CBFA Programme Staff/Project Officerand team.
ยง Work closely with the stakeholders and otherorganizations.
ยง Attend to the meetings, workshops and trainingrequired for it.
ยง Timely follow-up reports of activities in SRC andAECI format.
ยง Contracted through PMI under the salary scaleagreed with PMI Branch for the implementation of projects supported by SRC.
ยง Establish, jointly with the SRC Health
Delegate/Head of SRC Subdelegation Coordinator and PMI Aceh Barat Branch Staff,
a monitoring system in all levels (Branch, Programme and Community).
QUALIFICATIONS: _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____
University degree (essential)Master in Public Health or Social Sciences (essential)At least, one year experience working with NGOยดs, managing development projects/programmes (essential). Community Development experience (advantage). High level of Bahasa & English, written and spoken (essential)Computer skills: Microsoft Office, SPSS, Data Processor (essential) โ€“ Both Position.Strong communication skills.Be able to work independently and with initiative.
Specific (PO-01-CBFA) ;
Knowledge and professional experience on Logical Framework/Project Planning Process/Project Cycling (essential). Administrative knowledge.Strong skills in groups coordination (essential). Training skill (both organize & facilitate).
Interested candidates are invites to submit their application to src_meulaboh@ or PMI/SRC Office, Jl. Nasional No. 155 Meulaboh, Aceh Barat.
Indicating the reference code as subject. All candidates are kindlyrequested to specify their availability date in the application formand their salary expectation. Please note that only short listedcandidates will be contacted.