Interested candidate should submit the application letter and updated CV to
Ms. Verena Streitferdt at
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH is an
international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with
worldwide operations. GTZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its
corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a
sustainable basis. GTZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
GTZ ProLH under Strategic and Conceptual Support for the "Self Sufficient
Energy Villages Program" Project is seeking 1 (one) qualified Indonesian
candidate for the position of National Project Manager (consultant) with the
preliminary Term of Reference below:
The National long-term staff should act as the Project Manager of the BMU
project. He should manage the implementation of the planned activities.
Therefore his main tasks will be to develop a Plan of operation and contract
national and international consultants to carry out the task.
In specific his tasks will be:
Overall (over the whole project period)
§ Facilitate and moderate the inter-ministerial coordination process by
assisting in appropriate means of communication (for example setting up a
Steering Committee with the counterpart and other relevant ministries
* Conduct a Stakeholder-Workshops for the reconciliation on the suggested
options with the relevant stakeholders (national level and selected
representatives of the local levels)
* Evaluate of opportunities for further activities under the DME project in
a second phase beyond July 2009
Evaluation (until Nov. 2008 - event in Lombok for presentation of results)
* Conduct stakeholder dialogues regarding the needs of the counterpart and
other relevant ministries
* Iidentify concrete consultant activities to conduct the evaluation of
existent DME villages by paying particular attention towards their
* Contract national and international consultants for undertaking the
evaluation study
Strategies to diversify the energy sources (over the whole project period)
* Conduct stakeholder dialogues regarding the needs of the counterpart and
other relevant ministries
* Use the promotion of Mini-Hydro Power systems under the PNPM as a best
practice example
* Set-up technical design teams which develop and can advise local
facilitators on criteria and best options for hybrid systems, that focus on
available local renewable energy (for example biomass combined with solar
based systems) and how to adapt them to the individual situations
* Evaluate the opportunity for the GTZ tool Public Private Partnership (PPP)
to promote those hybrid systems.
§ Support the DME on village level in terms of community empowerment and
training of field facilitators regarding identification, planning, designing
and management of renewable energy technologies and systems.
Expected Outputs
* Plan of operation for the project by October 2008
* 3 monthly reports on the progress to GTZ (Dieter Brulez)
* Presentation or Workshop on the dissemination of the evaluation study by
November 2008
* Conduct and submit a project progress report in the end of the first phase
in July 2009
* Draft the proposal for a second phase by February 2009
Qualifications and competences of the Project Manager
* Minimum of 5 years of Project management experiences in the industrial
environmental sector or energy sector (preferably in the renewable energy
and development cooperation sector)
* Academic background: MSc degree in the environmental or energy engineering
field or MBA with relation to energy planning
* Fluent in the English language (capable of German would be an advantage)
* Management of a minimum of 10 staff (management of national/international
* Project monitoring experience
* Work experiences with Indonesian Ministries
* Work experiences with the private sector (or at least has work experience
dealing with the private sector)
* Work experience on local institutional/private level
* Moderation/facilitation competence
* Understand participative approaches for project development
* Good knowledge of the Indonesian institutional set-up and its
* Knowledge of international development cooperation
* Knowledge of the international climate change debate, especially
technology transfer and the significance of renewable energies within this
debate (Low carbon economy)
Time Period
1st of September until the 31st of July 2009: 11 months
Working days
5 days/week
Interested candidate should submit the application letter and updated CV to
Ms. Verena Streitferdt at
Thank you for your attention.
Carolina Asti
Personnel Officer National Staff
GTZ Office Jakarta
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH; Sitz der
Gesellschaft/Registered Office Eschborn/Taunus, Germany;
Registergericht/Registered at Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany;
Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 12394; Vorsitzender des
Aufsichtsrates/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Erich Stather, State
Secretary; Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Directors: Dr. Bernd Eisenblaetter,
Wolfgang Schmitt