Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cover Letter for Salary Negotiation before Joining for Accounting Jobs

Mr. John Smith,
National Accounts Inc.,
257, Park Avenue South,
New York, NY 12345-6789.

Dear Mr. Smith,

From our meeting and phone conversations, I got the privilege to know your company in detail. I am very excited by the prospect of working for National Accounts Inc. Your finance and accounting team is among the most impressive I have met in my job search. Your company ethics are clean and your work-force efficient.

In short, I am eager to accept your offer and begin working for National Accounts. However, I should be telling you that I have received another offer of employment with Regional Accounts Inc., NY. While everything at your company holds a greater opportunity for me, and my career, I must tell you that they have offered a salary $5000/annum higher than your offer.

Instead of accepting their offer immediately, I wanted to reaffirm my interests in National Accounts and express my hope that we can come to terms on this matter and begin our happy association as soon as possible.

I eagerly await your response.


Richard Anderson,
Senior Student, Accounts,
ISC, Manhattan.

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