Thursday, November 8, 2007

Follow Up After Telephone Call for Accounting Jobs

Follow Up After Telephone Call

Richard Anderson,
1234 West 67 Street,
Carlisle MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

Date: 1st May, 2005.

Mr. John Smith,
National Accounts Inc.,
257 Park Avenue South,
New York, NY 12345-6789.

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for taking time to talk to me over the phone today morning. I have enclosed a copy of my resume, which details my accomplishments over the past several years.

While accounts manager at Regional Accounts Inc., I was responsible for the development and implementation of investment strategies for key clients. The approach taken was an aggressive one with material, financial and reputation risks innovating accounting practices. The hard results produced through implementation of these programs allowed Regional Accounts Inc., to consolidate major cliental base.

I have consistently contributed my leadership skills in corporate settings, while managing the creative process, motivating and empowering team members, fine-tuning auditing plans, and juggling multiple administrative tasks. The strategies were successful because of the commitment developed throughout the organization.

John, I will be contacting you tomorrow morning on phone to fix up the timing of the meeting and we will have lunch together, as suggested by you on the phone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Richard Anderson,
Accounts Manager,
Regional Accounts Inc.

1. Resume - myresume.doc
2. Certificate of appreciation, Regional Accounts Inc. - appletter.doc
3. Copy of "The Best Key Holders" Award - award.doc

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