Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sample Accounting Cover Letter

Mr. John Smith,
National Accounts Inc.,
257, Park Avenue South,
New York, NY 12345-6789.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am pleased to accept your offer, and I am looking forward to joining you and your staff next month.

The position is ideally suited to my background and interests. I assure you I will give you my best effort in making this an effective position within your company.

I understand I will begin work on April 1, 2004. If, in the meantime, I need to complete any paperwork or take care of any other matters, please contact me at (123) 444-5678.

I enjoyed meeting with you and your staff and appreciated the professional manner in which the hiring was conducted.


Richard Anderson,
Senior Student, Accounts,
ISC, Manhattan.

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